Monday, December 30, 2019

Facing 50 questions for every job interview

Facing 50 questions for every job interviewFacing 50 questions for every job interviewMichigan job seeker Connie Corwin grew tired of being stumped on interviews, so she made zu sich own prep list of questions and answers for every eventuality.Getting a job interview turned out to be less of a hurdle than Connie Corwin expected when she began her first job search in three decades.Corwin, a member of OpsLadder, had not experienced an interview in more than 30 years. She had only known one employer, General Motors, where she had started after high school, working her way up to operations manager in the powertrain division at a manufacturing plant near Flint, Mich.Corwin said she decided to leave in 2010 before outside forces made the decision for her. She had her resume professionally rewritten, recruiters were returning her phone calls, and she was getting job interviews. It was what happened once she entered the interview room that stymied her at every turn.I would be asked during an interview, Tell me about yourself, and I wasnt sure what to say, and I would give a really long answer that was very broad, she recalled. I gave the interviewer more information than they wanted or needed.She stumbled through the answers on several interviews before concluding that she needed to prepare every answer for every question she might possibly face. I needed to have specifics, instead of talking in broad themes and vague descriptions.Corwin searched online for sample interview questions she read books by human-resources experts and she relied on her own experiences to develop a list of the 50 interview questions she was most likely to face on any given job interview, including Why did you leave your last job? What did you like most about your job?and How would your boss describe you? She then answered every question and practiced every response.I spent quite a bit of time trying to communicate what it was the interviewer wanted to know, Corwin said. When they asked, Why did you leave your last job? I knew they wanted to hear my thought process in making this huge decision to leave my job in a tough economy. My response was to explain all the things about my previous ort that said to me it was time to move on and what I hoped to tackle in my next job.Another question that she had stumbled on in early interviews was, What were some of the important things you accomplished in your last job? To answer that one, Corwin looked at her resume, pulled out key areas where she had led her team to success, and explained why those successes were important to the company.I did the bullet-point thing (verbally), she said. I did a two-sentence summary of whatever I was talking about, named some important skills, and then quickly summarized. You can only hold peoples attention for so long. I timed myself so I could answer a question in two minutes.Corwin credited her interview-prep method with preparing her for job interviews that eventually led to multiple job of fers, including one for a plant-manager position at an aerospace components manufacturer in Seattle.The 10-page document she created went with her on every interview. The night before an interview, I would start at the beginning and read through every question. I didnt memorize it, but I would read it like you would read a story.During an interview with a single company, Corwin said, she would be asked at least 60 percent of the questions on her list. I couldnt imagine a question they would come up with that I wouldnt have a response for, she said. Its a great list. Some people like to wing it, but I like to be prepared.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sailing Above and Below Water to Generate Power

Sailing Above and Below Water to Generate Power Sailing Above and Below Water to Generate Power Sailing Above and Below Water to Generate PowerThere are times when the simplest of solutions remains hidden in plain sight. That is the scenario Hans Dysarsz is facing in his quest to flesh out and commercialize a system of renewable energy so simple he says it does not even qualify as new technology. It is based on the reaction ferry propulsion approach, thought to be first described by Leonardo da Vinci, where a ferry boat tethered to an upstream cable moves from one river bank to the opposite side simply from the kinetic energy of flowing water.That kinetic energy could be harvested using a lighter array of foils, similar to a ships sails, moving above or below the water. If placed above the water, the foil would operate with wind if placed below the water line, it would move from the flow. Either way, it would produce electricity generated from mechanical energy in the form of the pul ling action of the foil, which would be used to drive generators.People have simply overlooked this, says Dysarsz of the concept. This is a very simple way for kinetic energy to be turned into usable mechanical energy, and it is clean. But forget clean. It is simply cheaper.Reaction ferries have operated in Canada for over 100 years. Dysarsz studied one on the Fraser River in Lytton, British Columbia, that operates in extreme conditions, including ice flows and logs. Based on the season, it operates with up to a 50-foot water level change and flow changes from 1,500 cubic meters per second to over 12,000 c/m/s. Its operating costs are negligible.Schematic of a Reaction Ferry kinetic energy conversion system. Image Da Vinci EnergyDysarsz, a pilot by training who calls himself a closet engineer, says the idea of using a reaction ferry as a source of power generation was a complete fluke. Flying throughout Alaska and Canadas northwest exposed him to the few reaction ferries still used in British Columbia. He claims small systems of 1,000 Watts could be built by virtually anyone using basic tools and materials. Systems of up to 10,000 Watts could be built by semi-skilled workers using off-the-shelf components. Further, the system could pull about 1 MW to 1.5 MW from river or ocean flow using a similarbut more robust design,he says.The Hydrokinetic Shuttle Foil approach is obscure, but some research has been done by Canadian universities and the National Research Council of Canada. Mechanical engineering students at the University of Victoria recently conducted a modeling program for a wind shuttle foil system. In 2016, Dysarsz tested the system at a water flume of Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., in North Vancouver, British Columbia.Dysarsz, who founded Da Vinci Energy, Inc. in Vancouver to develop the system, says the tests were successful. Using a foil array in very slow flows of .32 to .55 meters per second with a shuttle velocity of .5 meters per second, it produced 16.6 pounds of static thrust, he says. We thought we would get five to six, he adds. The tests also generated six volts of power and one amp, using wheel barrow ball bearings, not exactly low friction, he notes.To adapt the system to produce energy, a number of foils would attach to a cable strung above or below a river, similar to clothes on a clothes line. The wind or current would move them back and forth, and the mechanical energy captured and converted to electricity with generators placed on shore. Dysarsz says it could be adapted for the ocean, with the foils operating between barges anchored to the ocean floor, similar to what is done in offshore oil and gas development. At that scale, it could produce megawatts of energy, he claims.It amounts to a bedsheet on a clothes line, he says. The turning action of the pulley provides mechanical energy. You just have to apply 21st century controls and materials.The schemes basic simplicity makes it attractive, especially in isolated areas or the developing world. We want to get it out to who really needs it, and at a reasonable cost, says Dysarsz, noting it could be adapted to a range of water flow, providing enough power to turn an Archimedes screw for irrigation. The cost would be cheap.Curran Crawford is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Victoria with a background in wind energy and who oversaw a modeling project of the technology. He calls the concept interesting but cautions that much more work needs to be done to research and refine the engineering.From a raw technology perspective, wind systems look the same, he says. The foil approach differs from wind turbines with rotors as the outer part of the rotor is doing more of the generation. With a foil, the whole piece is doing the work. This needs more on detailed engineering. We havent had the funding to delve into more detail.Other rotorless wind systems are in development in various countries, including one using gliders tethered to the ground, notes Crawford. Others are working with kites, both in the sky and underwater, tethered to the ocean floor. Researchers at Worcester Polytechnical University have been working on a concept know as TUSK-Tethered Undersea Kite. The scheme uses a rigid-wing kite fitted with an axial-flow turbine attached to the floor with a tether. As it flys through the current, electricity is generated and transmitted to a floating buoy and on to the power grid. Velocity and the generated power are increased because the mounted turbine is in motion, and not fixed.Both have the promise of producing extremely cheap power. Based on known installed costs for reaction ferries worldwide, Dysarsz says cent per kWh is feasible, and could be lower for ocean current or tidal installations. That can also provide a cheap way to produce hydrogen or compressed air, notes Dysarsz. It also poses little to no environmental impact. The foils move slowly enough to allow birds or fish to pass and there is no need to dam a river.Dysarsz hopes to develop the technology as a nonprofit. Based on projections for delivering inexpensive electricity, he believes it is both ideal for developing nations and could be potentially taken a step or two further to produce hydrogen or compressed air. Both could be used for clean energy development.Maximizing its potential is probably tied to ocean or tidal development. Theres so much energy in ocean or tidal flows, it could easily be ramped up, he says. You dont need to put this anywhere near where people live.Cheap energy fuels economics, says Dysarsz. This is potentially disruptive. For Further Discussion It amounts to a bedsheet on a clothes line. The turning action of the pulley provides mechanical energy. You just have to apply 21st century controls and materials. Hans Dysarcz, Da Vinci Energy, Inc.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why Networking Can Feel Fakeand How to Fix It

Why Networking Can Feel Fakeand How to Fix ItWhy Networking Can Feel Fake- and How to Fix ItIf you dislike networking, its probably because it feels, well, fake. But rather than looking at it as a cold, calculated, you-scratch-my-back-Ill-scratch-yours deal, think of it as an ongoing, organic process of building relationships with people you like. Those are Marie Forleos words, not ours. In this video, she explains eight rules of networking that, if you follow them, will leave you with meaningful contacts- not a gross taste in your mouth. Photo of shaking hands courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Engineering Go Bragh

Engineering Go Bragh Engineering Go Bragh Engineering Go BraghWhen you think of Ireland and its patron saint, St. Patrick, many things may come to mind rolling emerald hills, legends of snakes being driven into the ocean, and yes, maybe even corned beef and stereotypical green beer in honor of Patricks feast day. But engineering? You may get a few laughs for raising that toast on March 17th.However, the laugh would be on you, as it just so happens that in addition to being the patron saint of Ireland and a patriotic symbol of national pride for more than a tausend jahre and a half, St. Patrick is also the patron saint of engineers. Just ask one of the Knights of St. Patrick who populate the faculty ofMissouri ST, in Rolla, MO, a school that has celebrated St. Patricks connection to engineering since 1908 - and in legendary fashion - starting with a yearly Snake Invasion in early March.One of my first really vivid memories as a freshman in the 1970s, I happened to be walking across ca mpus, and theres all these students carrying logs on their shoulders, says Wayne Huebner, nowChairman of the Department of Materials Science and Professor of Ceramic Engineering at MST. Some of them were very substantial, and they were all maybe five to six feet in length... but they called them shillelaghs. And the shillelaghs were to be used for the purpose of killing snakes.Killing of rubber snakes in commemoration of St. Patricks mythical banishing of snakes from Ireland. Image MST.eduThe snakes in question were rubber novelties it turns out, thrown in the path of unsuspecting engineering students campus-wide by St. Patricks Board Members faculty members and students who help plan the week-long festivities on the MST campus, and who assume this grave snake-throwing duty.The appropriate response to one of these snake attacks? According to Huebner, Anyone who has a shillelagh is supposed to come running and pound the snake into the dirt until its torn to shreds.Of course, there i s much more to the celebration than snake-pounding, as the week is full of banquets, parades, parties, and various outdoor events, all of which do, to some extent, involve the consumption of alcohol for those of age. After all, what would St. Patricks Day be without a pint or two... or three?But according to legend, the connection between engineering and St. Patrick does have a grund in fact, albeit fact clouded by the mists of 1,600 years of history. With a Roman education and a knowledge of Roman concepts of engineering, St. Patrick (A.D. 387-461) would have been familiar with incredibly advanced techniques and methods for his time. It is said he had a knowledge of ceramics and helped make Irish churches from stronger and more durable materials, and rumor has it that he even introduced the concept of the arch to many of these early churches, though evidence is scant so many years later.Becoming a Knight of the Order of St. Patrick. Image MST.eduFellow Knight of St. Patrick, andPro fessor of Arts, Languages and Philosophy Lance Haynes has heard of the connection to engineering. I had heard that he knew a lot about building and was involved in building many of the early churches in Ireland, he says. But really, when it comes right down to it, the connection is a thin one, and the reason Missouri ST celebrates St. Patrick is simple This is a really tough school. And so once or twice a year they let go and really party, says Haynes.Other such engineering-specific celebrations exist at the University of Missouri, UM-Columbia, and the University of Texas El Paso, to name a few. But as Haynes leides with regard to one of the nearby rival engineering departments, Its not nearly as rowdy as we are.Listening to him describe the details, its hard to argue. There is the aforementioned Board of St. Patricks (of which he is a member), founded in 1930 with the expressed purpose of making sure everyone has a good time. There is the annual naming of an honorary St. Patrick, w ho knights eight new members of the Order of St. Patrick each year, as well as his Queen of Love and Beauty, who reigns over the festivities and accompanies St. Patrick to all of the banquets and official events. And of course, there is Alice, a legendary feature of MSTs celebration that is best not described here except to say it is a makeshift body of water created by the students each year. (Note Readers would be better off asking a student or member of faculty.)Among the more famous Knights of St. Patrick are former Governor and U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, current U.S. senator Claire McCaskill, and current U.S. senator Roy Blunt, who will be knighted at this years festivities.All of which speaks to the wisdom of the founders of this celebration, who realized it was much more than just a party. It was the kind of morale booster and necessary steam valve that would make it possible for students to navigate the pressures of one of the nations premier engineering universiti es. As Haynes says, They recognized back in 1930, way ahead of their time that it was important to have a good social dimension as well as a good task dimension.It doesnt hurt the recruitment process for Missouri ST specifically, or the push for greater STEM participation and STEM graduation rates nationwide, either. The imagery is that engineering is for nerdy types that sit and use pencils and calculators and computers all day to entwurf and build things, laughs Huebner. Several things at Missouri ST play a role in reversing that St. Pats is one where they see that Wow, engineers have a personality.Some of the other factors revolve around the universitys design teams, which have won national awards in the DOEsSolar Decathlon. There is the Concrete Canoe Team, the Baja Team, the list goes on and on. It seems once the partying is over, these students buckle down and then some.But as you celebrate St. Patricks Day in your own way this year, whether it be at a parade or a local bar or restaurant, think of the patron saint of engineers, and the students at Missouri ST, celebrating their patron by taking a dip in Alice. For Further DiscussionAnyone who has a shillelagh is supposed to come running and pound the snake into the dirt until its torn to shreds.Prof. Wayne Huebner, Missouri S&T

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Things You Must Not Include on Your Resume

5 Things You Must Not Include on Your Resume5 Things You Must Not Include on Your Resume5 Things You Must Not Include on Your ResumeIf youre unsure of what information to include and what to say goodbye to on your resume, heres what you need to know. TWEETOnce upon a time, in a far distant land, job recruiters and hiring managers demanded to know all they could about a potential candidate. They expected hobbies, personal identification, photos, age, etc. included on the resume. Thankfully, the resume police saved the day. Now applicants need only include information relevant to the job listing.Resumes should never be longer than two pages. Those empty spaces on the resume are valuable think of it as real estate investments, and information should be carefully selected. Here are a few elements notlage to include on your resume.Remove those dull, long, bland sentences.Passive sentences take up more room in a resume than any other element. Get rid of the Yoda talk, and replace it with clear, active language. For example, Responsible for controlling inventory for the IT department is a lame sentence. It sounds better, and shorter, if you said Optimized IT departments inventory. Focus on your achievements and what you accomplished, not your job description. Job descriptions are just regurgitated sentences and a waste of everyones time.Get rid of that weird design.Yes, Word has hundreds of pre-populated resume designs. But those weird looking fill-in-the-blank boxes are clunky and just plain odd. Use simple themes and formats, focusing on section headers, simple fonts, reduced table use, and more bullets. On the other hand, your resume should stand out. Hiring a professional resume writer to look over and edit your resume and cover letter will help prevent redundancies and design flaws.Keep your age a secret.Okay, youre forty, raised three children, and worked as Mr. Rogers intern. This is good news, just dont tell anyone. Hiring managers want fresh workers with new ideas. Its sad but true. Age can be a disqualifier to landing the job. Corporations sometimes believe older, wiser employees cost more and do less. While this isnt true, younger counterparts take advantage of this. Remove the following to conceal ageDont list experience older than ten years.Dont include your date of birth or age.Dont draw attention to education, training, certifications, and licensures that occurred more than ten years ago.Please change your email address.This is not the time to draw a laugh from your audience. Your mother and boyfriend may think is cute its not. If your email address is unprofessional, change it. Career coaches suggest using your anthroponym as your email prefix. Many people may find this difficult. If your name is not available, try variations using your initials, middle name, and area code. Here a few more suggestionsDont use someone elses email.Try to include your name in the email.Dont use weird prefixes.Be consiste nt.College was about your education not all your activities.Its easy to overcrowd your resume with unnecessary information. Everyone wants the hiring manager to know all this great stuff about them. Resist the temptation to stuff your resume. One, it will likely never get read, and two, it will never get read. Hiring managers receive literally thousands of resumes in a year. They cannot ready every college activity listed.There are two sides of the coin here recent grads and not so recent grads. Recent graduates will include more information than basic information. Here are the dos and donts.DOInclude your GPA.List awards only the top ten percent receive.List scholarships the top ten percent receive.List special projects, internships, etc. associated with your career path.Draw attention to study abroad trips.DONTList every award and scholarship you won.Tell them about associations and organizations unless they are relevant to the job and are appropriate or non-controversial.List ev ery project you worked on.List your classes unless they are VERY relevant to the job.Those who graduated more than two years ago have a simpler task. Only include the degree, major, school, location, GPA, and year graduate, if not too long ago. Other than those elements, recent graduates only benefit from bragging about educational accomplishments.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Benefits of Can Resume Be 2 Pages

The Benefits of Can Resume Be 2 Pages If your CV is just two pages but includes all appropriate info, that is fine too. If you get a personal site, published writing samples, or a web-based portfolio, link that in your Contact Information section, so long as its related to your preferred job. If you believe a 1 page resume is critical, youre mistaken. Theres not anything wrong with a 2 page resume in many instances. In the veranstaltung the text on the second page is simply a couple of lines, you might want to think about reformatting and sticking to the 1 page rule. The sections are simple to skim for the most relevant details. Use the webpage break function after the previous line of text you need to keep on the very first page. Guarantee the page break doesnt occur in the midst of a section. Your resume is your very first introduction to a recruiter or hiring manager, so you must make certain it tells the ideal story. Just stick to whats applicable to the job which you re applying for. Every pastor has skills that may land a work elsewhere. Make certain you select the most suitable one for the work offer. Job seekers can choose whether to send the complete document or only the first two pages to a possible employer, dependent on the work opportunity requirements. The Job Objective Sometimes called a career objective, the work objective is a rather important portion of the resume in the lack of a targeted job title. The Career Summary section ought to be restricted to a few sentences that emphasize your relevant experience, skills and distinctive abilities. Teaching Experience in case you already have teaching experience under your belt, make certain that you list it here. Resume trends have a tendency to change so that its ideal to make sure yours is doing all it can to receive a hiring managers interest. The work market is 1 area, which wont dry all year long. Possessing a well-formatted, clean and professional resume is a significant means to earn a fantastic first impression, which will allow you to get the job which you are genuinely interested in. Its great if youre able to list a college and a level, but in case you cant take a careful look at classes, workshops and internet training you might have completed. While your resume needs to be thorough, additionally it is important that resume is concise. A europass cv is among 5 documents that compose a europass. Birth certificates arent appropriate. Two-page resumes are acceptable provided that theyre formatted to be effortless to read. In reference to the preceding answer, many career fields include experience thats not possible to put on a single page. Zetys resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. Dont forget, you control whats online in your social profiles in order that they should also match the jobs youre applying for. Like many companies, grad programs are given a lot of applications, so they desi re a speedy and very clear way to observe why youd be a very good fit for their program. While it might be true that youve got a lot to supply, putting too much on a resume may cause more damage than good. In the world today, a very first impression can either make or break your odds of landing your dream job. In truth, its been dead for some time. Just dont forget that you likely will do much more cutting when it is time to create your work search resume. The remaining portion of the rules arent really rules at all they are guidelines and suggestions to help you ensure you concentrate on the correct things in your resume. Thus, it seems the resume length rule is actually not a rule about length whatsoever. The rule concerning the length is only an illusion. There are just two relevant rules to bear in mind once it comes to writing a resume and the duration of your document isnt among them.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Maximizing Your Job Description for the Best Candidates

Maximizing Your Job Description for the Best CandidatesUnless they have been keeping an eye out for your company and have wanted to work for you for quite some time, the first thing job seekers see about your company is the job description. You post jobs and with it always comes a description of what is expected from that lage- at least it should. You likely place the responsibilities, the requirements and also a small blurb about your company. A great job description in the hiring process will lead to great job seekers. On the other hand, a shoddy job description with unclear motives can drive talented job seekers away and confuse others. Its true that there are thousands upon thousands of job seekers out there today, but sloppy mistakes and a poor job description wont help you in the hiring process. Instead, hiring managers and employers should work on maximizing their job descriptions in order to reign in the best talent.Having a job description that is unclear and fails to list i mportant aspects of the job will give job seekers the impression that this job is just OK and not awesome. In order to attract the best job seekers, you want to give off the impression that this job is a great opportunity. You cant do that very well with a lacking job description. In order to reign in the best job seekers for your open position, lets take a look at what your job description should and should not have.Understand the Role/PositionPerhaps the most important part of the hiring process is fully understanding the open position. If it is a new position that the company has decided to add, then you need to be sure you know what the roles of this kompetenzprofil employee will be and what is expected of them. Without a clear understanding of this, it will be near impossible to create a great job description for job seekers to view. Gather all of the necessary information before drafting up a job description.List Needed SkillsOnce you understand what the position is and what i s expected from the future employee, make a list of all of the skills you deem necessary for the position. What skills are a must and which are preferred? This way, when you start to draft up the job description you will be able to communicate with job seekers exactly what is expected of them. On top of that, job seekers that dont have most of the skills listed will know that they likely wont be a top candidate in the hiring process. Doing this can lessen the amount of unnecessary resumes you will eventually have to weed through.Go Beyond DemandsYour job description should be more than a list of what is needed from a candidate and what responsibilities will be part of this role. A job description should instill excitement in a job seeker and give them a small glimpse into the company. Focus not just on the skills and roles of the position, but what is exciting and fun about this position as well. What makes this position great? What are some of the challenges that will be met and wh at makes this position interesting or unique? If you are hiring for a Marketing Director, chances are there are a handful of other jobs just like this. Why is your position great?Company InformationTo expand upon going beyond just demands, why not give some company information as well? The best job descriptions are the ones that offer insight into what kind of company you have. It will come up in the hiring process anyways, so why not address it right away in the job description? You can touch on company culture, the company values, how long you have been around, etc. The best way to portray your company in a job description is to have a company video. That way job seekers can catch a glimpse of what the atmosphere is in your company and what kind of work you do. This will certainly bring in talented job seekers and increase the chances of making a great hire.Benefits Certain companies will go about the listing of company benefits in different ways. Some will be hesitant to list the m for fear of attracting only job seekers looking for great benefits. However, by listing what you have to offer your employees, you will likely bring in more top candidates. You should state that the benefits and perks are not what make the job, but having them in your job description for people to see will benefit you. Plus, if you arent offering your employees great benefits, how do you expect to compete with companies that are?Sloppy Mistakes Chances are you wont accept a resume that has spelling errors and grammatical errors, right? Well by the same token, savvy job seekers will think twice if you have sloppy mistakes in your job description. It denotes laziness and carelessness. This is not the kind of company job seekers will want to try to work for- especially not the most talented ones. Be careful to review your job description before posting it and perhaps have other sets of eyes review it as well.Needed DocumentsLastly, if you require work samples, a cover letter or other documents to supplement a resume then you should list that in the job description. If you respond to a candidate after they have already applied and ask for more documents, thats fine but it can be really frustrating. Plus, listing directions for job seekers to follow in the job description can help to weed out job seekers. If they dont follow the directions correctly, then they likely wont cut it.What are some things you place in your job descriptions to reel in the best talent? Share with us in the comments section belowImage zimmytws/

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Flying Robirds Increase Safety at Airports

Flying Robirds Increase Safety at Airports Flying Robirds Increase Safety at Airports Collisions between birds and airplanes have always been a major concern at airports around the world. The cost of bird control is estimated in billions of dollars, and dispersal methods include physical barriers, netting, and mobile patrols equipped with acoustic, visual, and physical scaring devices. The problem with these methods, however, is that birds quickly adapt and simply fly around or through them.But now a company in the Netherlands, Clear Flight Solutions, has developed a life-like robotic falcon/drone that is highly effective at scaring away birds from airports. The company recently received about $2 1000000 from Cottonwood Euro Technology Fund to expand its work, allowing it to become a global leader in bird management.Realistic Flight PatternsCalled Robird, the robotic falcon mimics the flight of a real peregrine falcon. The flying motion is so realistic that birds immediately believe the falcon is real and leave the area. Climbing hundreds of feet and reaching speeds of 50 miles per hour, the remote-controlled falcon swoops, glides, and flaps it wings.With Robird, chasing off the flocks of pest birds becomes fully controllable. Image Clear Flight SolutionsThe robotic raptor owes its light weight (1.6 pounds) to 3D printed bodies of nylon composite with glass fiber, and to a lithium polymer battery, writes Erica R. Hendry. Perhaps the greatest engineering feat is getting lift and propulsion solely from flapping, a complex motion that has long puzzled scientists including, notably, Leonardo da Vinci.Each foam wing flexes to different degrees across its length and attaches to a double hinge at its base. Although we are not 100 percent accurate in the flight movement, achieving well-controlled flapping wing flight with the same size and same weight of the actual bird, with comparable flight performance, is absolutely unique, says Nico Nijenhuis, co-founder and CEO o f Clear Flight Solutions. We keep improving the movement and control to become mora and more like the real thing.Deployment of the Robird also requires a pilot and an observer, who watches the other air traffic. If you operate at an airport, there are a lot of protocols that you have to follow, adds Nijenhuis. Youre working in a high-risk area and there are all kinds of things that you need to check. We use the latest technologies, but the human aspect also remains crucial.High-Flying PotentialTests show that Robird can reduce pest bird populations by up to 75 percent over time. This is generating interest from all over the world. Right now we are involved with projects in seven countries, says Nijenhuis. Well be expanding that in the upcoming years. Exciting work Other potential applications are in the fields of animal observation and protection, biological research, and the safety and security sectors.As a result, Clear Flight Solutions continues to grow and now employs 15 people, including a retired 747 captain. The company is intent on eventually taking the human element out of the loop, says Nijenhuis. In the future, the birds will operate as autonomously as possible, detecting and chasing birds by themselves.Achieving this will require the addition of more sensors and other technologies to the birds. For example, say the Robird is flying at 80 km/h in one direction and a helicopter is coming at 180 km/h from the other direction. What combination of sensors is needed to detect that helicopter, make a decision on what to do to avoid a collision, and then actually execute that action? ansicht are the types of problems were facing, says Nijenhuis. Right now there is no combination of technologies that can be integrated into a bird that can weigh only a maximum of 750 grams, which is light enough, powerful enough, and does not consume too much energy to actually fulfill this task.The company is also putting its general knowledge about drones and nature to goo d use in other projects. For example, says Nijenhuis, weve developed a multicopter drone that can automatically find bird nests, fawns, and other animals in agricultural fields to save them from agricultural machines, a beautiful example of the combination of our knowledge and experience.Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further Discussion In the future, the birds will operate as autonomously as possible, detecting and chasing birds by themselves.Nico Nijenhuis, CEO, Clear Flight Solutions

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Study Young women are increasingly becoming the victims of this disease

Study Young women are increasingly becoming the victims of this diseaseStudy Young women are increasingly becoming the victims of this diseaseThough heart disease - Americas leading cause of death - tends to be associated with older men, young women are increasingly counting themselves among the patients who are at risk for and victims of heart attacks.Young women account for more and more of the hospital admissions for heart attacks in the U.S., according to new research.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe dramatic increase - from 21% of admissions between 1995 and 1999 to 31% between 2010 and 2014 - is far steeper than the one experienced by men, who historically comprised a larger percentage of young people experiencing heart attacks.This data comes from a recent study published in scientific journal Circulation.Researchers found that women ages 35-54 constituted the larg est increase in admissions among young people foracute myocardial infarction (AMI) - another term for a heart attack.The increasing proportion of AMI attributable to young patients was most pronounced among women. Relative to young men, young women had a higher comorbidity burden, and a lesser likelihood of undergoing an invasive strategy or being managed with guideline-based AMI medications, the study reads.Black women were more likely to be counted among heart attack patients than their white counterparts, indicating that race, as well as gender, may play a part. Researchers wrote the increase in AMI hospitalizations was likely multifactorial but may be related to modifiable risk factors.The studys authors recommended that clinical trials could target women and come up with a treatment specifically for them. A prevention program is also needed, as are media initiatives such as the American Heart Associations Go Red for Women campaign, they wrote.You might also enjoyNew neuroscien ce reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Office Assistant Job Description Sample

Office Assistant Job Description SampleOffice Assistant Job Description SampleOffice Assistant Job Description SampleThis office assistant sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Office Assistant Job ResponsibilitiesMaintains office operations by receiving and distributing communications maintaining supplies and equipment picking-up and delivering items serving customers.Office Assistant Job DutiesForwards information by receiving and distributing communications collecting and mailing correspondence copying information.Maintains supplies by checking stock to determine inventory levels anticipating requirements placing and expediting reservierungs verifying receipt stocking items delivering supplies to work stations.Maintains equipment by completing preventive maintenance troubleshooting failures ca lling for repairs monitoring equipment operation monitoring and purchasing meter fundMaintains office schedule by picking-up and delivering items using automobile.Serves customers by backing-up receptionist answering questions forwarding messages confirming customer orders keeping customers informed of order status.Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities.Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Office Assistant Skills and QualificationsOffice Experience General, Scheduling, Telephone Skills, Typing, Documentation Skills, Meeting Planning, Verbal Communication, Written Communication, Dependability, Attention to Detail, Administrative Writing SkillsGet Help Hiring your next Office AssistantYour busy office needs a great office assistant who can multi-task with ease. But where do you start to find the right person for the job? We can help. Sign up for exclusive https// advice and well send you helpful hiring tips delivered right to your inbox. Well even throw in a special job posting offer to get you moving in the right direction. Its time to find the talent your company needs.